Minouche Graglia
Nature Art & Ritual Healing Processes
Ecotherapy - Energy healing - Wisdom Counseling
Why Minouche is different?...
"In a world where a lot of people in the bay area don’t always have the skill to deliver what they claim to do, Minouche is the real deal / She is developed and really does tune in a multiple of levels of reality and gets information from invisible levels of reality and modes.. I can feel the movement of energy into my body when she works with me.
I went to her for fatigue, she did work out that issue.
Minouche channels energy and reaches your body where things are blocked and allows flows again. Minouche has the ability to be aware of what’s blocked around an issue and has a clear connection with Being. All of that comes to bear when she does her work. Minouche is very humble, clearly credits the work being done as being done by the Creator, or nature and I respect that.
I know something has shifted as I felt diffused with a vast empty spaciousness and fell happy, joy, fun and my heart is open galaxy of stars and Light. Something has shifted I feel I am enjoying myself immensely..
Regina Reilly, Therapist, Spiritual Teacher
What about her is special?
" Minouche has an extraordinary ability to ‘get out of the way’ to let the Divine do its work. she has a special energy in her presence and a deep compassion that can get tapped to open to an unusual degree to channel the healing energy. Minouche can do the emotional and spiritual energy healing – she can do the physical too, I feel that part of what she does with the healing energy is getting you where you need your goals and resolving your health issues.
’I have send clients to her because I thrust her healing ability. She does not need to know the answer -- If she does not know the answer, she can get to the answer.
Greg Shelkun, Healer, Teacher, Guide, 35 years of practice.
What is unique about Minouche
is, no matter how difficult the topic, she delivers clear, relevant and accurate information during a reading while also being extremely positive, open-hearted and kind. Her honesty and kindness makes Minouche a rare kind of reader, and one I return to again and again."
Jessica Shepherd, astrologer, moonkissed.com